
40 min / € 41,-

From the classic haircut to the modern fade. Whether scissors or machine. Your old familiar trusted haircut - or maybe something new?
Long or short, perfection and personal consultation come first.

Beard / Shave

30 min / € 35,-

Whether it's a well-trimmed full beard, a full shave, a well-groomed bald head or a classic/modern moustache. Take a break from everyday life
and enjoy the well-rounded service including hot compresses and professional beard care products.


60 min / € 68,-

A perfect service that leaves nothing to be desired. It combines haircut and beard trim with everything included.

Father & Son

60 min / € 68,-

Come together! Vater und Sohn, Opa und Enkelsohn… genießt bei Barberista gemeinsam. Vielleicht ein moderner Schnitt für die Jugend und der Klassiker für den Herrn Papa? Macht aus einem Haarschnitt ein Erlebnis für Generationen.



40 min / € 41,-
Vom klassischen Haarschnitt bis zum modernen Fade. Egal ob Schere oder Maschine. Dein altbekannter Haarschnitt des Vertrauens – oder vielleicht doch mal was Neues? Lang oder kurz, Perfektion und personalisierte Beratung stehen an erster Stelle.

Beard / Shave

30 min / € 35,-

Getrimmter Vollbart, Vollrasur, gepflegte Glatze oder doch der klassisch/moderne Schnauzer. Nimm dir eine Auszeit vom Alltag und genieße den abgerundeten Service inklusive heißen Kompressen und professionellen Bartpflegeprodukten.


60 min / € 68,-

A perfect service that leaves nothing to be desired. It combines haircut and beard trim with everything included.

Father & Son

60 min / € 68,-

Come together! Vater und Sohn, Opa und Enkelsohn… genießt bei Barberista gemeinsam. Vielleicht ein moderner Schnitt für die Jugend und der Klassiker für den Herrn Papa? Macht aus einem Haarschnitt ein Erlebnis für Generationen.

Full & Private Barberista Service

Full & Private
Barberista Service

The service packages focuses on your exclusive and personal consultation - from the first cut to the perfect styling product. The products and the hair wash are of course included and BARBERISTA serves cool drinks or hot coffee as well.

Opening hours

Tuesday – Friday: 09:00 – 18:00
Samstag: 08:00 – 14:00

Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday: 9 a.m. – 6 p.m
Saturday: 8 a.m. – 1 p.m

Dienstag, Mittwoch, Freitag:
09:00 – 18:00
Saturday: 8 a.m. – 1 p.m

Urlaub vom
25.07. – 05.08.2023

Welcome to your
second living room

Welcome to Barberista

Here you can really make yourself at home, unwind or simply take a deep breath and a break from everyday life. The focus is of course on the perfect hair and beard service, but what would a visit to friends be without really good coffee or cold beer? Here at Barberista, hardly any wish remains unfulfilled ... The visit becomes an experience HE would not want to miss again.

Welcome to your
second living room

Welcome to Barberista

Hier kannst du es dir so richtig gemütlich machen, deine Seele baumeln lassen oder einfach einmal so richtig durchatmen und eine Auszeit vom Alltag nehmen. Im Mittelpunkt stehen natürlich der perfekte Haar- und Bart-Service, aber was wäre ein Besuch bei Freunden ohne richtig guten Kaffee oder kaltem Bier? Hier bei Barberista bleibt kaum ein Wunsch unerfüllbar…
Der Besuch wird zu einem Erlebnis, das HE would not want to miss again.

Opening hours

Dienstag – Freitag: 08:00 – 18:00
Saturday: 8 a.m. – 1 p.m

Barber Jakob Frisch

My story begins in a small hairdresser's shop in my hometown of Innsbruck, where I completed my apprenticeship. Afterwards, I worked as a hairdresser in various salons for a few more years, until my girlfriend and I got hooked on travelling and found ourselves in Vienna after an extensive trip around the world.

Auf der Suche nach einer neuen Herausforderung fand ich meinen neuen Wirkungsort bei dem renommierten „Brothers’ Barbershop“ in Wien-Neubau.

Learning from the best: My colleagues taught me everything I needed to know about being a barber. In the last three years I spent at the "Brothers' Barbershop", I managed the team, enjoyed the time with my colleagues and was responsible for training new barbers. I am always honing the perfection of all the steps and continue to educate myself.

Now the time has come for me to open a new chapter in my story and to start my own business with "Barberista" in Innsbruck and fulfill my dream.

continue reading

My story begins in a small hairdresser's shop in my hometown of Innsbruck, where I completed my apprenticeship. Afterwards, I worked as a hairdresser in various salons for a few more years, until my girlfriend and I got hooked on travelling and found ourselves in Vienna after an extensive trip around the world.

Looking for a new challenge, I found my new place of work at the renowned "Brothers' Barbershop" in Vienna-Neubau.

Learning from the best: My colleagues taught me everything I needed to know about being a barber. In the last three years I spent at the "Brothers' Barbershop", I managed the team, enjoyed the time with my colleagues and was responsible for training new barbers. I am always honing the perfection of all the steps and continue to educate myself.

Now the time has come for me to open a new chapter in my story and to start my own business with "Barberista" in Innsbruck and fulfill my dream.